Dear ___ ji,

Thank you for reaching out to us to volunteer with us. My Name is Harpreet, and I am one of the Founding Members of The MakersBox Foundation.

Quick Introduction to The MakersBox Foundation

We deliver 21st Century Skills using STEM as a Methodology to Children at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Our Facilitators at our Learning Nooks use Project Based Learning and work with students aged 6 to 16 to deliver these skills.

India faces a huge gap in the skills needed in the workforce, which only amplifies if we look at it ten years from now. The Foundation serves the purpose of giving 21st Century Skills to students at the grass root level so they can be future leaders, job creators, and change makers.

How Can you Help as a Volunteer?

There are 2 Major Areas of concern for any Social Enterprise, to make sure it has the Money to make the wheels go round and to ensure that people are aware of what the enterprise is doing.

1. Create Conversations
Whether you like it or not, Social Media is here to stay, from WhatsApp Groups, Facebook Groups, Reddit Communities, Instagram Reels to many more. Having Conversations on what The MakersBox Foundation is doing helps us create awareness and increases our reach of people and, hopefully, eventual partners and donors that can help make this work larger.

We would like you to make one post a week on any of your social media channels during the period you volunteer with us. These could be resharing one of the posts from our Instagram Account (@makersboxorg) or creating conversations on bringing change using education and learning in societies. Some of the conversations prompts that you can use are

a. How can we make Learning and STEM Education inclusive
b. How do we get our Children to be ready with skills when we don't know what skills will be needed in 10 Years
c. Do you think Non-Governmental Organisations, Social Enterprises Deliver Value
d. Do you think STEM Education is a Challenge for India?
e. Would you like to visit a Change Making Education Social Enterprise in Delhi?

These will help you create conversations and talk about MakersBox Foundation's work. Remember, we are not looking for praise; we are also looking for critique and critical input on where we can do better.

2. Raise Money for the Foundation
We all know someone who would like to donate to a good cause, whether Rs. 200 at one go or Rs. 1000 a month to support a child's education. Help us communicate with these donors, and point them to the MakersBox Foundation website at ( to learn more and donate.

As a volunteer, reach out to at least five people weekly to donate to the Foundation. Talk about our work, the conversations you learned from your Social Media Posts, and why they should donate.

MakersBox Foundation ensures that 90% of the Funds Collected are used for the Education of the Child, and Less than 10% of it is spent on Administrative Expenses.

The Funds go into ensuring Children at the Bottom of the Pyramid have access to World Class Facilitators and are learning skills that will help them be leaders in the future. Remember, skilling our next generation is the only way forward for us to enable the growth India needs.

Asking for Money is one of the most challenging things, allowing you to drop your inhibitions and develop leadership qualities for yourself too. We are happy to have conversations on how you can do this, or how you could do a fundraiser at your college fest, and or reach out to local communities.

Time we need you to spend on the Volunteer Programme

You are a Future leader, and your reaching out to us to volunteer is one of the first steps we see future leaders take. Thank you for this. As a Future leader, you should be able to balance your timetable and what is most important to you. Studies should never take a back seat and should always be your focus. Allot 1 to 2 hours weekly, where you will create conversations.

How Long Can you Volunteer For?

We typically engage Volunteers for 3~6 Months; this ensures that we work on a deliverable schedule, work together, and value. At the end of the Volunteer program, you will get a Certificate and a Letter of Recommendation from our Board at The MakersBox Foundation.

Will you Be Trained?

For your training, we will have a Monthly one-on-one call, answering questions and listening to conversations you created. These calls intend to help you where you need help, train you to be a future leader, and show you the path to be a change-maker in our society.

What Happens Next, How Do you Start?

I would propose a Quick Zoom call after you have read this email and I have answered any questions you may have. In the Zoom call, I will have some more team members from my team who will help us get the answers you need.