1. Standee PDF - Can be printed in A5 Size Contains makersboxfoundation@yesbank as upi code. Payment to this happens immediately and no deduction is made. Money goes directly to Yes Bank

  2. Standee PDF - Can be printed in A5 Size Contains the MAB0451050A0020996@Yesbank as UPI Code. Payment comes via POS, UPI ID in this case gets masked. The POS ID was earlier used in clinic, and is printed on other pamphlets that are shared with people

  3. MakersBox Foundation Bank Details Donation Poster - PDF - Send this PDF for requesting Money, or in WhatsApp Groups Use JPG

  4. MakersBox Foundation - Car Sticker, For Reprinting from Vistaprint 29.5 cm x 10 cm

  5. QR Code for UPI Payment makersboxfoundation@yesbank.com